TLCommerce version 2.1.0

TLCommerce  , version 2.1.0- 7 Auguest 2023 


Change Log

1. Add PWA feature

2. Fixed known bugs

Update Instructions (V-2.0.4 To V-2.1.0)

Required Version: v2.0.4

How to update?

1.  Unzip the "" file. You will find the "v(2.1.0)" folder.

2.  Copy "app" folder from "updates/v(2.1.0)" and replace with "app" directory

3.  Copy "Core" folder from "updates/v(2.1.0)" and replace with "Core" directory

4.  Copy "config" folder from "updates/v(2.1.0)" and replace with "config" directory

5.  Copy "vendor" folder from "updates/v(2.1.0)" and replace with "vendor" directory

6.  Copy "tlecommercecore" folder from "updates/v(2.1.0)" and replace with "plugins/tlecommercecore" directory

Then Open pwa folder and follow the bellow steps

1. Move "appIcon" folder to the "public" folder from "updates/v(2.1.0)/pwa" folder

2. Move "manifest.json" file to the "root" directory from "updates/v(2.1.0)/pwa" folder

3. Move "service-worker.js" file to the "root" directory from "updates/v(2.1.0)/pwa" folder

4. Copy "master.blade.php" file from "updates/v(2.1.0)/pwa" and replace with "themes/tlcommerce/resources/views/frontend/layouts/master.blade.php" file

After completing the above steps, please go to "your_domain/admin/system-updater" & click the "Update" button to complete the system update.

NB: After replacing the updated folder if your site returns an error and not loading then delete all folders from the "storage/framework/cache/data" folder and reload your site

NB: After completing the update process you will be redirected to the license verify page, Enter your purchase key and verify 

NB: Please backup your files and database before updating your system